Signing up for sessions
Signing up for sessions
I'm happy to see the schedule is up now, but how do I sign up for specific sessions?
I think the sessions I voted
I think the sessions I voted for earlier I'm now listed as "attending", but I don't see any mechanism to add more sessions to that list. Am I missing something?
Flag UI
You can click on the "attending" or "signup" and it will unflag/flag respectively.
The link for "Sign Up!",
The link for "Sign Up!", which according to the html source should be after "Add To Bookmarks" and Before the digg icon, is not shwoing up on any session page for me on multiple Mac browsers. I am logged in.
Sign up/attending doesn't show on full node
@agerson - The sign up/attending flag does not appear to actually show on the full node. It appears to be only listed in the teaser view at /conference/sessions AND /conference/schedule (my favorite view!!). Would be nice to have on the node pages but it works sufficiently on the main session and schedule pages.
Since this is now a feature
Since this is now a feature I'll comment here on it.
I noticed that there are sessions that I'm already "attending". This may generate false attendance reports if several of the sessions have everyone attending currently. Of course who wouldn't want to attend all of the sessions anyway? :D