BoF Sessions
BoF Sessions
Coordinate, plan, and prepare "Birds of a Feather" Sessions.
If you would like to reserve one of the AV rooms please email
Proposed Topics
I tried posting a long comment and it was deemed "spam" and not allowed, so I'm trying a shorter one now. I've listed a bunch of potential BoF topics at the bottom of my profile page:
Please let me know what you'd like to learn about.
Drupal and Sensor Data
Anyone interested in Drupal support for sensor data? I'd like to see a discussion of the "nuts and bolts" such as an MQTT module, Pachube support, etc. Also, a discussion of the future possibilities when people + environmental data merge in social networking apps.
Services bof
There is highly likely to be a drupal services bof at some point during the week if we have enough interest. In addition there will be a drupal services specific code sprint as part of the code sprints on the Sunday and Thursday.
I will be at DrupalCon and
I will be at DrupalCon and would be interest in a Aegir BOF session and Drupal
Looking for all who are interested in exploring all aspects of drupal and integration with a Enterprise CRM. Particularly, but all is welcome.
Online BoF time and time scheduler?
Is there some real onllne tool for scheduling BoF times and rooms?
DC Szeged had a great facility on their site for this, and it's maddening that we can't actually see a schedule or plan slots in advance.
Ditto to the Pressflow BOaF
This is a discussion I would like to be a part of. I am very interested in scaling with Pressflow and Varnish. We're getting hit with too many database connections from Google's endless spidering, some we could mitigate by dividing reads and writes through replication or load balancing.
Why is Theming Rocket Science?
I would love to hear from to hear from people why Theming is so, so difficult.
I know there's a need to be flexible, but really, why does it take forever to find out how to change a font size for the site title in most themes...
There has to be a clearer way to do simple theme changes!
Drupal for LGBTQ and other Social Justice organizations
I'd like to meet other folks who are interested in harnessing Drupal's power to do some good in the world. I use a Drupal site for my LGBTQ social justice nonprofit organization. Anybody else?
Social Network Integration
Hi Evan, quite interested in social network integration (and distributed social networking in Drupal) so definitely up for a BoF on this subject.
Migration of existing relational database apps to Drupal sites
Am very interested in discussion of ideas/tools/techniques in migratating existing custom internal network relational database applications to Drupal based web platform which meet HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) requirements.
Security, detailed query generation and highly structured output are important.
Thank you!
Drupal + SugarCRM + Zimbra (iso. Salesforce)
We have been using Drupal integrated with SugarCRM and Zimbra to get an open source CRM solution working with Drupal.
Who else is interested in SugarCRM in combination with Drupal?
Or.. why is Salesforce the way to go?
Drupal Managed Hosting Survey in Europe
Proteon has conducted a survey about Drupal hosting requirements by Drupal shops in Europe.
If there is interest, I would like to:
- present the results of the survey
- ask more opinions about hosting requirements
- discuss the best hosting solutions based on the survey
- know who has a need for good Drupal hosting in Europe
The questions in the survey were:
1) how many drupal sites did you develop?
2) what modules do you use most frequently?
3) how often have you hacked the core or core modules?
4) what system do you host on?
5) how do you do security updates?
6) how important are security updates?
7) what other tools do you use in conjunction with Drupal?
8) how do you do deployment and releases?
9) do you have sites that have to be up allways (99,9% +)?
10) what is the biggest challenge in Drupal hosting?
Drupal + Non-profits
It seems from this thread that there is a fair amount of interest in a BoF focusing on Drupal + Non-Profits -- including the post from aaronbauman regarding drupal + salesforce, chrowe's comment re: k-12 education and developing countries, and hifalutin's post on social justice organizations.
Having just worked with the League of Women Voters of California Education Fund on a rebuild of their site, I'd be interested in a BoF of this bent, and am pretty sure that the Communications Director of LWVC would be interested as well. Anyone interested in trying to reserve a room specifically for this type of a BoF?
Philanthropic Sector applying Drupal
I'm interested in meeting with other Drupallers representing philanthropic foundations and charities. If there's enough of us it might become a BoF group or just a dinner out together.
me too
Hm, I tried to reply to a specific post, but it seems the threading is turned off. Just wanted to say that I'm also interested in an Education BOF (colleges and universities).
+1 Aegir BOF
Would love to chat with others on how they're using Aegir's new multi-server functionality. Has anyone reserved a room for this yet?
I'd be down for a .edu BOF as well.
I'd be down for a .edu BOF as well.
Points I'm interested in (among others):
- how/if institutions are dealing with centralized hosting
- any institutions that are working with/thinking about large-scale multi-site installations for student groups, individual pages, etc
- directory integration
Aegir BOF scheduled
Yep, thanks to briwood! Please add your thoughts/ideas in the thread on GDO here:
Anyone interested in a Salsa
Anyone interested in a Salsa / Democracy In Action BoF?
Knitters BoF
We will meet again, probably for lunch one day. There's a thread on ravelry in the drupal knitters group with more info.
Crocheters welcome too of course, but please, no nalbindingers.
Enterprise Drupal -- Clouds, Dedicated or a mix...
We have room 230 on Wednesday from 9:45a.m. - 10:45a.m.
I would like to get some folks together and discuss the decisions involved in deciding on the right platform for a project. When working with high traffic sites what are the decisions that have to be made? What are the best options? Is a mix of dedicated, public cloud and private cloud a good fit?
Higher Ed BoF
I'm coming from UC Irvine, and I'm interested too.
Release management and Deployment BoF
We are interested in a new approach to tackle the stickiest Drupal issues we face: Deployment and release management.
We will begin by discussing the pros and cons of the most popular approaches:
* Simple db dumping
* Exportables with features
* manual coding of hook_update_N() functions
* DBscripts
We will then outline what we view as an optimal approach:
* Automatic tracking of all configuration changes
* Automatic conversion of these changes into code placed into modules utilizing hook_update_N() functions.
We are very intrigued with using the form API as already accomplished by Jonathan Pugh's Custom Module Tools and Macro.
We are interested in collaborating with others who are similarly frustrated with the state of current deployment options in Drupal to develop a solution. If that sounds like you, please get in touch so we can let you know when the BoF is happening!
This work is sponsored by WebStandard and Colingo Labs.
CiviCRM and CiviSchool BoF's ..
We are planning to hold 2 BoF's on Monday. One if the morning for the CiviCRM user and the other in the afternoon for a CiviCRM integrator / developer
If there is sufficient interest, i'd be happy to hold a BoF on CiviSchool, which is a drupal / civicrm modules that helps manage parent/student/staff for K-8 schools
Another vote for Drupal in Education BoF
Interested in talking about using Drupal for student collaboration, course tracking and research.
BoF idea: handling social graphs and other similar structures
Hi all!
With the free (GPL) OQGraph engine in MySQL we can handle tree and network traversal easily now.
cafuego has written a drupal module friendlist_graph which extends friendlist.
We'd love to do a BoF exploring this and more uses, as it's clearly something that sites have been avoiding because it used to be just to painful to handle.
Git discussions
Git is gaining a lot of momentum in the Drupal community. (See for example.) Who would like to get together to discuss how people are using git in individual and collaborative environments? What is your preferred workflow? What commands and desktop tools do you use the most? Where do you go to resolve problems you encounter, or tasks you don't know how to do yet?
Let's get a few more people introduced to how to use git for their custom themes, modules and sites. Let's also discuss a few of the why's and benefits.
Drupal for Lodges and other fraternal/community organizations
Is there anyone else going to Drupalcon who belongs to the Masons / Elks / Lions / Rotary / Kiwanis / Odd Fellows / Grange / etc., and is using Drupal for their district or local lodge/chapter web site? I started a group last year with the eventual goal of creating a 'Lodges' install profile, but haven't really pursued it & would welcome a chance to jump-start the project and start bouncing ideas around with others.
Drupal in Higher Ed
Hi - Seems to be a lot of interest in this. Please join the discussion over at:
and add to the topics page here:
Drupal + CiviCRM for political campaigns ...
I'm interested in organizing a BoF for folks using / planning to use Drupal + CiviCRM for political campaigns.
You can read more on what we've done and planning to do here:
Dreamweaver BOF
I am interested in attending a BOF on Dreamweaver and the extensions, I would like to learn more.
Nonprofit - NGO - Social Justice
I just submitted a request for a room on Tuesday from 11am-12 noon for a Nonprofit - NGO - Social Justice BOF session. I would love to meet rainbreaw, aaronbauman, chrowe and any others doing this sort of work with Drupal!
Drupal / FileMaker integration
We had a good BoF on strategies and techniques for making FileMaker Pro talk to Drupal (and vice versa) at DrupalCon DC last year. Being in San Francisco this week, chances are good that there's a little more FileMaker/Drupal overlap. Let's compare notes!
Heh, I know you posted months
Heh, I know you posted months ago, but better late than never...Did you end up getting a BOF for education scheduled? If so, what are the logistics?
Fusion / Skinr / theming BoF & help desk @ 3pm Weds
A bunch of people at the Fusion session raised hands for a genius bar/BoF by the TopNotchThemes crew, so it's on the board for Wednesday afternoon at 3pm. Bring your laptop and your theming questions, and we'll be there to sit down with you one on one and help out :)
Pantheon/Mercury BOF
There will be a Pantheon/Mercury BOF on Wednesday at 11:00 AM in room 206. Topics will be whatever folks want to talk about.
See you there,
Systems Administrator and Mercury Developer
Chapter Three
Mercury EBS image?
There are no public Mercury EBS images at the moment that I know of. We intend to release ones when we release 1.1 at the end of this month. Current images could be converted to EBS but some modifications of the BCFG2 config files would be required (Mercury 1.1 takes EBS into account).
Hope this helps,
Systems Administrator and Mercury Developer
Chapter Three
Has there been a BoF scheduled for Education? I'm from Ashland University and I believe that if other institutions of higher education were gathering, I and some of my colleagues would be interested.
4 > 5 > 6 > 7 Tips and Tricks for Major Upgrades
On Tuesday, April 20 at 11:00 in Room 262, twenty-two of us attended a round-table discussion of concerns when performing major release upgrades. The session was recorded and a link to that recording will eventually be posted here. In the meantime, the list of concerns collected included:
1. Core hacks
2. Contributed modules
3. Hacked contributed modules
4. Changes to the API affecting custom modules
5. Changes to the theme API
6. Business logic stored in the template layer
7. Code stored in the database, especially block visibility code which can often go overlooked
8. The amount of time a site has to be down to perform an upgrade
9. Synchronizing content between the upgraded site and the live site
To address items 1, 2, and 3 people generally relied on their version control software. Red Mine was recommended as an excellent tracking tool allowing tickets to reference commits and folks encouraged requiring and policing that no commit are made that do not reference a ticket id number. At the very least, people recommended that every commit should explain not just what was done, but *why* it was done, perhaps including a place on the site where the hack can be observed to facilitate testing after upgrade. for (5.x -> 6.x only) and were both mentioned as invaluable in addressing items 4, 5, and 6.
Many folks approached major release upgrades as an opportunity to rebuild the sites in question and advocated using the Migrate module to move the data into the rebuilt site.
One workflow process suggested included:
Identify all the contributed modules installed and their version
Determine if there is a release for the new version
If yes, list the version in the spreadsheet and mark the cell green
If there's a dev version, list the version and mark the cell yellow
If there isn't a module, mark the cell red
All new modules need to be tested to see that they'll provide equivalent functionality.
Look for new ways to build the equivalent functionality. It could be in core now.
Running an upgrade to see what breaks was identified as another legitimate strategy.
My apologies in advance for what I missed. Check the audio for more detail.
Distribution tools BoF slides
For those of you who attended the Distribution Tools BoF, here is a link to the slide presentation for your review:
Drupal in Higher Ed
Sounds great! I'd attend this.