Grok Drupal (7) Theming
4:15 PM - 5:15 PM
303 Chapter Three Presented by

Style & substance: Learn about trends, techniques, and tools.
So you know your CSS. You have you xhtml down, even are up on HTML5. But Drupal throws so much other stuff at you. What do you do? Where do you start?
This session provides an overview of how themes work in Drupal. The technical architecture may seem complex, but it's actually quite simple once you grasp the concepts and structures.
Topics covered include:
- Core templates and how they work together
- Most-used templates and the variables available
- Overriding templates for common use cases
- The Drupal design patterns you will need to design and theme for (whether you like it or not)
- Changes between Drupal 6 and Drupal 7
- Modules that make theming easier and/or more powerful
- The parent-child theme thing
- Working with module templates, including Views and CCK
- Gotchas, tips and tricks
Experience: Beginner, Intermediate
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit
Here are other related sessions you may want to check out:
PHP for Designers (Emma Jane Hogbin)
Theme Preprocess Functions (Carl Wiedemann)
CSS3 (Jen Simmons)
Design for Drupal: A Template Approach (Nica Lorber)
Accelerated Grid Theming Using NineSixty (Todd Nienkerk) (This is the base template I most often use these days. Wonderful theming framework!)
Design and Theming: What's new in Drupal 7 (John Albin) (I will be talking about D7 theming, but John is focusing on the changes between 6 and 7 — a must for anyone who's already using Drupal. This also could be interesting for new folks as an introduction to the kinds of theming power you have at your disposal.)
Theming with Skinr! (Jacine Rodriguez) (An amazing way to create pre-set styles and templates and apply them within the Drupal user interface.)
All your html are belong to us! (Morten) (A must for anyone who cares about clean mark-up in Drupal output.)