PHP for Designers
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"And then I saw, $#=//!
and wondered if someone was cussing at me in my template files." She shouldn't have been listening to the conversation, but she was and now she couldn't help but interject and say, "Dude! That's PHP!"
Have you experienced this conversation? Are you tired of being "that guy"? Do you want to learn the secret hand shake and become fluent in PHP too?
If you're comfortable with HTML and looking for a little more, come join us and learn how to dissect, modify and reconstruct the PHP snippets in common template files. More specifically you'll learn how to:
- Identify and use common Drupal variables and functions found in tpl.php files.
- Extract information from complex objects, such as the variable $node, without the use of expensive weapons (or therapy).
- Make HTML regions appear, and disappear, from your template files using PHP conditional statements.
- Alter the output of the content displayed in your template files using nifty helper functions.
This session covers just the basics of PHP and applies to both Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 themes. If you already know what $node->content['image']['#printed']
means this session is going to be too basic for you. If the last sentence made your ears bleed a little bit, c'mon down! It's time to take the next step and learn a little PHP.
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit