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Accelerated grid theming using NineSixty

9:45 AM - 10:45 AM
306 Trellon

Presented by

Todd Nienkerk (Todd Nienkerk)
Four Kitchens
Design, Theme, and UsabilityDesign, Theme, and Usability
Style & substance: Learn about trends, techniques, and tools.

This session will cover the grid system and how to implement it in Drupal using the NineSixty theme.

Session outline

  • Brief history of grid-based design
  • Philosophy behind and how it works
  • Basics of grid-based theming
  • How the NineSixty theme implements and expands on
    • Content-first layout using "push" and "pull" classes
    • Dynamic grid widths based on context
    • Debugging tools and grid visualization
    • Right-to-left (RTL) language support
  • Creating versatile, dynamic, and context-based layouts using NineSixty
    • Subtheming NineSixty
  • How to build your own, custom grid system


Session goals include gaining a solid understanding of what grid design is, how it has evolved since its early beginnings in print, and how it can help expedite the design and templating process.

Experience: Beginner, Intermediate
Industry: entertainment, marketing, media, non-profit
Tags: 960, 960gs, grid theming, grids, ninesixty, theming

Great presentation Todd! Watched it again a week later.