Oakland baseball game
Oakland baseball game
For the sport fans, you may be interested in attending a ball game during DrupalCon. There is an Oakland A's vs. New York Yankees series during the conference, including a $2 ticket/$1 hot dog night on the Wednesday. http://oakland.athletics.mlb.com/schedule/index.jsp?c_id=oak&m=4&y=2010 to buy tickets.
I will not be formally organizing anything like the hockey game in DC, but there will be a handful of us sitting in section 234 if anyone cares to join us.
if i knew the rules ...
I guess some of us europeans wanna go .. but would someone then guide us through the rules
its not like:
11 men on each side
1 ball
2x45 minuts
result : 0-0
Any volunteers for this task?
I know the basics well enough
I know the basics well enough I can probably help you guys figure it out. Baseball is no hockey, though ;-)
When I click in that area, it
When I click in that area, it says no tickets available. Where else? I don't know what's good.
I'm not really sure what's
I'm not really sure what's good either, since this will be my first game in a big ballpark. We make our selection based solely on which seats are available for $2 on Wednesday.
Flight cancelled
Seems that I have to cancel the entire Drupalcon because of the volcano, terrible:-((
bummer, looks like the $2
bummer, looks like the $2 tickets and plaza outfield in general are sold out..... (sec 234)
Giants vs Cardinals on Saturday?
$25 tickets, was thinking of trying to catch that since I haven't seen a baseball game since Jr. High. Anyone else going?
Cool, just picked up some
Cool, just picked up some tickets for that game as well. Looks like on 30 min bart ride to the stadium, so that's sweet!