Expose session name/presenter filters on session list?
Expose session name/presenter filters on session list?
Voting on sessions would be significantly less tedious if I could filter the list by keyword or by presenter. I remember seeing sessions I wanted to vote for, but can't remember if they're on page 2, 3, 4, or 5 so I have to just load all of them (which for whatever reason is taking ~45 seconds per page view atm) and do cmd+f in my browser to find them, which makes me not want to bother voting at all.
Assuming others are in the same boat, this is going to wildly skew the numbers in favour of the last-minute session submissions on the first page.
I realize that finding particular sessions in a randomized list is difficult. :/
Have you discovered the "Bookmarks" feature? It's an imperfect solution, but should help you keep track of the sessions you'd like to come back to.
Oh, I see. ORDER BY RAND()
Well that would certainly help explain the 45-second page loads. ;)
Ok, so the second part of my comment doesn't apply, but this makes the first part even more urgent, because there's potentially *no way* to get back to those old sessions without lucking out and having them appear on one of the page views. :P