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Tim Gary

Tim Gary

Both an independent developer/tech guy and VP Technology Innovation for Health Director, LLC. enables health care professionals to better assess the needs of their clients/patients via lab report analysis and [soon] questionnaires.

We are looking for Drupal, PHP and Web Services developers, designers and consultants to help build our next generation site(s). Everyone from those we can call for a quick 30-60 minute consultation, to those who can work on longer term contract jobs. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible during DrupalCon 2010. If you see me, please come up and introduce yourself!

My computer background started in High School (ok, actually Jr High) on the Commodore Pet, as well as single board z-80's machines, an IMSAI 8080 (with z-80 transplant), etc.. Wrote the Metal Message System BBS (also licensed as Z-Msg by Echelon, and FOG BBS by the First Osborne users Group) in the mid 80's when I was around 17. It was the first Bulletin Board System written for CP/M machines in the C language.

Since then I've worked on systems of all kinds, from IBM Mainframes to the Commodore Amiga to the iPhone.

Lately I've been installing, configuring and consulting on web sites. Often using Wordpress, and more recently Drupal.

Health Director will be using Drupal as it's foundation for upcoming projects due to its flexibility, support, and popularity in larger projects.

Company/Organization: and MINDCUE, LLC Username: 