Mike Gifford
I set up OpenConcept in 1999 to work with a coalition of unions, NGO/NPO and political organizations who were raising awareness to the problems with corporate globalization. Since that time we have been working with progressive organizations to set up effective websites using open source software. We now work with a number of local, national and international organizations and have developed a number of Drupal modules which we have contributed to the community.
OpenConcept developed it’s own multi-lingual PHP/MySQL CMS over a number of years, but has been developing with Drupal now for the last four years. We have recently launched a BIDI, trilingual Drupal site. We have contributed to efforts to add to the capacity of both Drupal and CiviCRM to serve up multi-lingual data.
Our main contributions in the last year however are connected with improving Drupal 7's accessibility. This is really a critical human right's issue, but it's also very practical for this community given the need for effective web tools in the government sector.