Lee Vodra
Lee Vodra
When Lee was 13, she stayed up all night to decipher the binary code hidden in the holes on a strip of computer punch paper. Part geek, part ecologist, she has since gone on to hold positions as a programmer and research assistant for NASA and as a crewmember for the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior. Lee graduated from Cornell University in 1992 with a major in Semiotics and Communications.
Formerly a senior project manager at Technology Consulting Group, a management consulting firm in Boston, she has years of practical experience working on business and brand development as well as marketing strategy.
Lee has been doing web development since 1998 and has been working with Drupal since 2005 as a themer, information architect and programmer. As a founding partner of Exaltation of Larks, Lee’s clients include the Columbus Center Project, Scitalks.com, and MIT’s Media Lab. Her work with the Media Lab began as lead architect and project manager on the Fabracadabra! and Fab Central projects and has continued as a consultant with the Media Lab on their current Drupal web development. Lee’s abilities in both design and PHP programming make her a Drupal ninja to be reckoned with.