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The mission of, a partnership with Lullabot, one of the world's leading Drupal consulting and education firm, is to dramatically simplify the process of creating and running rich, social websites. We provide a friendly, drag-and-drop usability layer on top of Drupal that makes creating and running websites a snap, and as a Software as a Service provider, we manage hosting, performance and scaling, too.
Buzzr Enterprise Edition, our launch product, is a solution for any organization that needs to rapidly and cost-effectively build and maintain anywhere from one to thousands of cutting edge websites or micro-sites. Buzzr Enterprise Edition is easy for the non-technical administrator, but still allows the super-admin access the underlying Drupal so the platform can be fully customized for your needs. Shaves months off of development. Create templates for even faster results. Support, hosting and automatic upgrades! Launch clients include a European ad agency; a media company creating hyper-local websites throughout the United States; and an e-commerce company offering templated sites for spas. We are also offering specialized solutions for universities and government agencies.
Buzzr Partner Edition is for designers or developers looking for an easier way to create sophisticated, social websites for their clients. Buzzr lets you quickly assemble sites with drag & /point & click tools. But it also lets you access the CSS, insert HTML and HTML embeds, and provides streamlined custom forms and custom index page tools (‘CCK” and “Views” in Drupal-speak.) Your clients will love our streamlined admin interface. Exportable as Drupal with one click.