Session Surveys: Make your voice heard!
Session Surveys: Make your voice heard!
New this year at DrupalCon, you get the golden opportunity to give feedback on each and every session you attend. These session surveys will provide essential information to both the session presenters as well as the folks that are planning this DrupalCon and others to come.
To complete the surveys, log in and visit the conference schedule page, or your "My Schedule" linked from your profile page, to find the "Take Survey" link for each session.
Evaluation is an integral part of any successful education program, and your feedback will contribute to making DrupalCon better and better. So, do your part, fill out your session surveys, and thanks for letting us pick your brains.
A special shout-out to Jen Lampton, Jacob Redding, and Andy Lieberman for helping me bringing this system to life, and also to the School of Education at UC Davis for their research and evaluation expertise.