Elevating 960gs in Drupal with the Omega theme
Presented by

This session will cover from the basics to advanced usages of 960.gs, and tackle issues including how to start using it to simplify your site layouts and theme setup, how to quickly wireframe your site in a way that will truly represent your final product after design implementations, pushing theming & grid based layouts further with preprocess functionality in your theme layer.
This session will appeal to both those new to grid systems and 960.gs, and will also further appeal to those users that have used 960.gs, the ninesixty theme and others, and want to explore better options for implementing grid based designs in Drupal.
- Brief introduction to 960gs concepts
- What 960gs is
- What sort of a genius created this framework, and why
- Basic usage of 960.gs
- Containers & Grids
- Push & Pull
- Prefix & Suffix
- Alpha & Omega
- 960gs and it's evolution in Drupal
- Ninesixty theme
- ns() function
- contextual grid element sizing/positioning
- Omega Theme
- Where the Omega theme is
- Theme Settings controlling grid elements
- Standing on the shoulders of giants
- Ninesixty
- Zen
- Studio
- Acquia Marina
- Sub-Theming Omega
- Region flexibility
- Impossibly fast wireframing / alpha site setup
- Drupal 6 status
- Drupal 7 status
- Where the Omega theme is going
- Drupal 7
- Drupal 8?!
- jQuery grid building/management
- Delta Module (Omega's new BFF)
- Concept & Showcase of the Delta module
- highlighting the power behind alternate theme settings based on context.
- Finalized D6 alpha release prior to DrupalconSF
- Concept & Showcase of the Delta module
- 960gs showcase
- highlight of sites using 960.gs layouts that you will open
your mind to grid based designs.
- highlight of sites using 960.gs layouts that you will open
- 960gs tools & resources
This session will be a combination of concepts & information from presentations I've given on 960.gs at Drupalcon Paris, and DrupalCamp Montreal, and take into account everything that has changed in the past 6 months. If you are a themer/designer that does NOT believe in grid systems or 960.gs, sit in and let me change your mind!
Previous iterations of this topic/session given by me can be found at:
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Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit
Tags: 960, 960gs, ninesixty, omega