Making Drupal Admin Simple
Presented by

This session will demonstrate techniques to build and configure Drupal websites that are easy to maintain for non-developers.
Included will be:
- modules that provide additional functionality for administrators
- configuration options to make the "back-end" easier to navigate
- theme modifications to make editing and administration simpler
We will provide examples, explain options, and give detailed "How-To's" to make your site admin-friendly for anyone needing to edit and maintain a Drupal website.
This session will be geared for the beginner to intermediate level Drupaler. However, in order to gain the full-benefit of the information provided, prior experience with installation and configuration of Drupal and the CCK and Views modules is highly recommended.
List of modules we used in our examples:
Admin (admin)
Advanced help (advanced_help)
Block (block)
Book (book)
Chaos tools (ctools)
Color (color)
Comment (comment)
Content (content)
Custom (custom)
Database logging (dblog)
Devel (devel)
Fieldgroup (fieldgroup)
FileField (filefield)
Filter (filter)
Help (help)
Help injection (helpinject)
Help injection Modal (helpinject_modal)
ImageAPI (imageapi)
ImageAPI GD2 (imageapi_gd)
ImageCache (imagecache)
ImageCache UI (imagecache_ui)
ImageField (imagefield)
jQuery UI (jquery_ui)
Menu (menu)
Mini panels (panels_mini)
Modal Frame API (modalframe)
Modal Frame Blocks (modalframe_blocks)
Node (node)
Node Reference (nodereference)
Node Relationships (noderelationships)
Node relativity (relativity)
Nodeblock (nodeblock)
Nodequeue (nodequeue)
Option Widgets (optionwidgets)
Panel nodes (panels_node)
Panels (panels)
System (system)
Taxonomy (taxonomy)
Text (text)
Update status (update)
User (user)
User Reference (userreference)
Views (views)
Views UI (views_ui)
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit
You can get the admin menu + the Rubik theme from Development Seed's website here:
As far as I can recall, the sexiest part of the presentation was the Admin theme and Erik said it was not available on but on "development seed" which I don't really know what is it.
Well, I found it on
So Erik & Kelly, to avoid any doubt, would you please please please convert your valuable list of modules above into a list of links to modules ?
Thank you so much for the most practical session so far in DrupalCon !
They said Admin WAS on, but that the Rubik theme WAS NOT on
I also found a reference to Admin + Rubik on development seed site and just remembered Erik mentioning Rubik on his session, but don't remember the context...
Plenty of good info. Thanks very much. However, there were quite a few admin modules not mentioned but that other attendees might find interesting. Thought I'd point to this list from a recent user group meeting we had:
That list includes usability modules like formfilter nodeformcols and also modules that improve the admin user experience, like vertical_tabs (now in Drupal 7 core), filter_perms, module_filter, diff and others.
There are definitely additional modules that we didn't cover, thanks for including a few here. It was definitely difficult to decide what to leave out, so we didn't run over time.
Thank you so much for the information!
what is the Custom module link ? a module called custom or really a custom module.
Besides, the node edit form's tab moved out of the node content ( ie moved @ top of page), is it just a simple css styling on the $tab page variable ?
Sorry Custom is just custom module used to add some css and such.
Having the node edit tab in the top right was done in code for open publish distribution I will check to see where and how it was done.
Can you provide the link to the administration theme that was used in your presentation.