CiviCRM Hands-on Training - CivicActions
Class Description
This full day hands-on training session - conducted by Gregory Heller of
CivicActions - is aimed at non-profit staff and consultants who want to
learn how to configure, administer and use CiviCRM.
The training program is equally applicable to people who are already using
CiviCRM and want to become "power users", as well as people who are
interested in evaluating CiviCRM for their organization or clients.
The agenda will be finalized based on participant mix. Topics may include:
- Introduction to CiviCRM - what does it do and how can it help you?
- CiviMember, CiviEvent, CiviReport, CiviMail
- Installation Overview
- Configuring CiviCRM - site preferences, dedupe rules, mapping
- reCAPTCHA, payment processors, localization
- Using the Contribution, Event and Membership modules
- Collecting and exposing data to constituents (custom data, profiles)
- Advanced features - price sets for events, CiviMail and message templates
- Customizing CiviCRM - custom data, custom templates
- Integrating CiviCRM with Drupal, including user/contact
- Debugging - tips and tricks
- Participating in the CiviCRM Community
synchronization, Profiles, Organic Groups, Views2