
Link to web site:
Holistic Solutions, Inc. is a real business located in the mountains of Western North Carolina just outside Asheville. We discovered Drupal trying to help a local non-profit build a website to promote the dissemination of knowledge about recycling in the local area.
- Actual Business - A corporation registered in the state of North Carolina
- We have a local business license from the town we operate in
- Listed in the local AT&T Yellow Pages
- Phone numbers listed on each page of our site
- We own and operate our own servers. We aren't a reseller and we aren't renting boxes from some outside company
- We care about our employees. Medical benefits, vacation and more
Some background on the owner:
- Working with the Internet for over twenty years
- Consulting for or running companies offering web hosting for about fifteen years
- Degree in Computer Science
- History of being the lead engineer for companies with thousands of users requiring 24x7 access
- Working with websites prior to Apache coming into existence
Affiliated attendees
There are currently no people affiliated with this sponsor registered to attend DrupalCon.
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