Page render drill down in Drupal 7
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
306 Trellon Presented by

Technical details: Study servers, Drupal core, module building, and more.
Join Moshe Weitzman for deep dive into the page render system for Drupal 7. We'll learn how to build and theme a standard page callback. Then we'll evaluate various alternatives for modifying the page, to meet some hypothetical user experience requirements. Learn more about:
- Build a drupal_render() array in a menu callback. Learn to differentiate between key properties such as #type, #theme, #theme_wrappers, #pre_render, ...
- Change the $page during hook_page_alter(). Move some blocks, alter text, etc.
- Make changes during the preprocess and process stages of page themeing
- Use theme_hook_suggestions to route themeing to alternate templates and theme functions.
- Alter the theme registry for hostile takeover of theme hooks.
Experience: Advanced, Expert
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit