Drupal Publisher's Panel
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Online News is a natural fit for Drupal. Publications of all types from newspapers, magazines, trade publications and journals have used Drupal aggressively to better showcase breaking news, analysis, features, blogs and user generated content. These publishers become avid fans and some of the best evangelists of Drupal because it answers so many of their growing needs.
Demands on all news and information organizations are growing. Despite dwindling numbers of traditional media outlets, competition for readers is greater than ever. Busy editors are being asked to do more with less resources, and a publisher’s ability to respond to trends in online news and information delivery is critical to success with readers.
This session will feature a panel discussion with Drupal implementers at prominent news sites, including The Slate Group, The New Republic and The Nation, who will address:
* Why they chose Drupal
* What aspects of the platform are most useful to them
* What tricks and tips they have for others implementing Drupal for news publishing
* Where they hope the Drupal platform can better serve the needs of publishers
This session is for anyone who is using Drupal for publishing or preparing to implement a publisher's site. We will address some architecture and module level topics, but the session is appropriate for all technical levels.
Industry: entertainment, library, marketing, media
Tags: modules, news, publishing
Two years ago, I built SocialistWorker.org, a daily newspaper site in Drupal based on panels, views, imagecache, and a decent amount of custom code. It's still going strong, although we always need more people who are interested in helping. If anyone wants to talk to me more about it, please come to the "Drupal for Revolutionary Change" BoF on Wednesday at 4:15pm in Room 270.
-Derek (dww) [14th most active contributor to D7 core] ;)