Drupal 7 here we come!
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
303 Chapter Three Presented by

First impressions: Watch overviews and tutorials for those new to the community.
A panel of Palantiri come to you to discuss what they're thinking, planning, and anticipating in D7. Some of the highlights are:
What new opportunities does D7 give us?
How are we planning on extending D7?
What are we most excited about in D7?
The panel will consist of the business owners, a themer, a mutant themer/engineer, 4 more enigneers, a UX guide, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Experience: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit
Submitted by hellofisher on February 16, 2010 - 10:04am.
David. As I'll be the UX guide I'll make sure your experience includes mutations.
I'm there to see the mutant. There'd better be some hardcore mutations on display.