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Theming with Fusion: a new approach for layout and modular styles

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
310 Drupal Association

Presented by

Stephanie Pakrul (stephthegeek)
Sheena Donnelly (sheena_d)
Design, Theme, and UsabilityDesign, Theme, and Usability
Style & substance: Learn about trends, techniques, and tools.

Fusion is a powerful and supported base theme, with layout and style configuration options built in that you (or your clients) can control through Drupal's UI.

In this session we'll cover the basics of Fusion from a themer's point of view, and how it helps you build Drupal themes faster. We'll show you how to use the collapsible regions and theme settings to set up the layout you need, and how to approach creating more sustainable CSS styles in your theme.

Full description

Don't theme yourself into a corner. We built Fusion after years of feedback from designers, site builders, clients, and developers. It's a powerful and supported base theme, with layout and style configuration options built in that you (or your clients) can control through Drupal's UI using the Skinr module. Based on a simplified 960px or fluid 12 or 16-column grid, you can easily define your own custom grid if needed.

Fusion includes common design patterns as pre-defined layout options and styles that can be applied to your blocks, Panel panes, Views, and content types.

For example, adding a single row login block, multi-column footer menu with headers, equal height columns, or just about any browser-bulletproof layout imaginable can be done with a few clicks.

Theming with Fusion means less time working on problems that others have already solved. Fusion is the very best of friends with Drupal's output, including theming for popular modules like Views and Imagefield, and lots of commented starter CSS for Ubercart.

In this session we'll cover the pros and cons of Fusion. We'll show you how to use the collapsible regions and theme settings to set up the layout you need, and how to approach creating reusable CSS styles in your theme.

Experience: Intermediate, Advanced
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit
Tags: 960, css, design, fusion, grid, grid theming, layout, skinr, theming, ubercart

Yay, Stephanie! I've been using Acquia Prosper, a Fusion based theme, for some time now and love it. Definitely interested to see more.

Anything that makes theming easier and more-flexible is good for Drupal, and Fusion is awesome. Can't wait!