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Theme Ubercart, Make Your Store Shine

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
306 Trellon

Presented by

Jonathan Rowny (jrowny)
AboutWeb LLC
Design, Theme, and UsabilityDesign, Theme, and Usability
Style & substance: Learn about trends, techniques, and tools.

This session will cover everything you need to know about tailoring your Ubercart store to your design. We all love Ubercart, but the default install is rough to say the least. There are some great leaps forward in Ubercart design such as the Prosper theme, but clients often demand incredibly specific elements of a store design that can be difficult to tame.

* Theme the node-product.tpl.php page including Attributes
* Theme the cart including customizing the fields and cart block
* Theme checkout, improving the layout
* Theme ubercart buttons and titles
* Create better catalog views tailored to your requirements
* Enhance the store with jQuery
* Bonus if we have time: Using the Custom Price module!

The presentation will be based on the latest Ubercart 2 and Drupal 6.

Experience: Intermediate, Advanced
Industry: education, entertainment, library, marketing, media, non-profit