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Efficient workflow for design and development projects

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
310 Drupal Association

Presented by

Jon Clark (juaneclark)
Aten Design Group
Justin Toupin (justin2pin)
Aten Design Group
Ken Woodworth (kenwoodworth)
Aten Design Group
Scott Reynen (sreynen)
Aten Design Group
Providing Professional Drupal ServicesProviding Professional Drupal Services
Succeed: Share how to design, theme, develop, host, train, manage and take your Drupal business to the next level.

We'll take a look at how our web design and development company moves Drupal projects from concept, to design, to production, using Drupal as the technical backbone for much of the process. We'll discuss how we communicate with clients and manage expectations. We'll also touch on lessons learned and things we do differently after 10 years of doing business.

Sounds great! Will this session be useful for one-person shops, or is it more geared towards how a team can work together effectively?

Not sure, but definitely looking forward to it!
I think there's another session specifically for one-person shops given at the same time though - "Best Practices for Freelancers and One-Person Shops"
