DrupalCon San Francisco 2010 - Drinks http://sf2010.drupal.org/taxonomy/term/7758/0 en Pre-DrupalCon Drinks (April 17, Saturday Night) http://sf2010.drupal.org/community/forum/pre-drupalcon-drinks-april-17-saturday-night <p>Hey Guys, </p> <p>I'm looking for people to hang out with on Saturday night. Probably going to hang out and get some drinks. I already found one person to chill with, looking for more.</p> <p>Email me with your details and we could coordinate from there as I probably won't be around my computer and will just be checking email from my mobile.</p> <p>Email: jeff[at]jeffmasigan.com</p> <p>I will post final details once things have been decided so people could follow if they wish to.</p> <p>Later!</p> <p>Jeff </p> http://sf2010.drupal.org/community/forum/pre-drupalcon-drinks-april-17-saturday-night#comments DCSF Beers Drinks Fun Sat, 17 Apr 2010 06:38:17 +0000 jeffmasigan 16498 at http://sf2010.drupal.org