DrupalCon San Francisco 2010 - AutomatedTestingILike
enJo Wouters
<p>Jo is co-founder of Krimson - Belgiums first Drupal dedicated web-company - and has been online since Fidonet. His informatics education first guided him to an all-but-ninja past, marked by the banking world where he worked as a technical architect/consultant. After meeting Roel De Meester at a Drupal conference in the Yahoo buildings (in the Bay Area, CA), he practiced the Drupal Art to become a Technical Drupal Architect.</p>
<p>He recently had to push back his suicidal craze for parachute jumping, sky diving and other life threatening adventures to be converted into a responsible parent.</p>
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Company/Organization: </div>
Krimson </div>
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<img class="imagefield imagefield-field_profile_picture" width="303" height="303" alt="" src="http://sf2010.drupal.org/sites/all/files/profile_pictures/jo_wouters_square.png?1259139279" /> </div>
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Drupal.org Username: </div>
Jo Wouters </div>
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LinkedIn: </div>
jowouters </div>
http://sf2010.drupal.org/community/attendees/jo-wouters#commentsDeveloperProject ManagerAutomatedTestingILikeEyjafjallajökullkrimsonQA-loverWed, 25 Nov 2009 08:56:06 +0000Jo Wouters4003 at http://sf2010.drupal.org