DrupalCon San Francisco 2010 - oakland http://sf2010.drupal.org/taxonomy/term/5358/0 en Oakland baseball game http://sf2010.drupal.org/community/forum/oakland-baseball-game <p>For the sport fans, you may be interested in attending a ball game during DrupalCon. There is an Oakland A's vs. New York Yankees series during the conference, including a $2 ticket/$1 hot dog night on the Wednesday. <a href="http://oakland.athletics.mlb.com/schedule/index.jsp?c_id=oak&amp;m=4&amp;y=2010" title="http://oakland.athletics.mlb.com/schedule/index.jsp?c_id=oak&amp;m=4&amp;y=2010">http://oakland.athletics.mlb.com/schedule/index.jsp?c_id=oak&amp;m=4&amp;y=2010</a> to buy tickets.</p> <p>I will not be formally organizing anything like the hockey game in DC, but there will be a handful of us sitting in section 234 if anyone cares to join us.</p> http://sf2010.drupal.org/community/forum/oakland-baseball-game#comments DCSF baseball oakland sports Wed, 17 Feb 2010 04:20:14 +0000 jdschroeder 9528 at http://sf2010.drupal.org